Sunday, October 11, 2009

Oct 11-phone a friend

So today's challenge wasn't what I had planned out for the day, it just sort of landed in my lap. After a long day at work, taking on the retail world, I got in my car and checked my cell phone for missed calls. I noticed I had one from a dear friend that I left behind at my old job in Kansas City. I listened to her message and the news wasn't good. Several of our very close friends and coworkers had been given pink slips last week and she needed to talk to someone who understood. She was saved, but she's been left feeling the guilt that she must endure while still carrying on every monday-friday 9-5.

Before I called her back, I thought about how it could have just as easily have been me if I were still there. This is a huge fear of mine as it probably is for most people today in our crazy economy. Hearing the names of so many talented and loyal friends who did lose their jobs was even more scary to realize that during these times, it's not about who's the best employee but rather, who can grab the last chair after the music stops in the topsy turvy game of business. All you can hope for is that as you age, you can still contribute to an organization in a positive way and that you can find happiness and success somewhere that appreciates you for what you bring to work everyday. I faced this fear several years ago when I left this same company and started my career over without a safety net. I may not be bringing home the same paycheck, but I work for a company that I believe in and can only hope that they will continue to believe in me.

1 comment:

  1. Karen I have dinner with Debi and Ed tomorrow night and I only pray one or both of them weren't in that "pink slip group". We had talked last week, while I held the new grandbaby, and they told us how they had been warned a bunch of people were going to lose their jobs.
